First, a few animated videos of the Ramones.  My favorite is, of course, the Legos version of the Ramones signing “Spider-Man”, even if the video seems to be out of focus.

Secondly, I saw this and realized its sheer insanity and genius all at once.  For this — a hearty salute and a warning — I hereby present RPS-101 (RPS=Rock, Paper, Scissors, and now 98 other options).  I remember adding bombs and falling buildings as a kid, but never went past… oh, eight or so options… these folks go beyond anything considered… uh, normal.

Lastly, sorry for the lack of activity on the site.  I need to get my hands on Val’s laptop sometime — that’s where all the good Max stuff gets transferred to!  That said, for our friends on Facebook, I believe Val added a new video of Max within the last week or so… 🙂